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Welcome to our brewery

We invite you to enjoy our restaurant's tremendously delicious recipes made from scratch every day especially for you. Enjoy a delicious breakfast, lunch or dinner at our place. Our expert chefs have created comprehensive menu that is sure to satify any taste.

family brewery

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you at our Brewery. We are offering a warm, friendly atmosphere to share a pint with family and friends at any time of the day or evening. Since 1989 we have been here taking care of our customers and serving up exquisite meat, fish and beer snacks. As an addition to our excellent menu, we now have traditional ‘grills and steaks’ cooked on a charcoal grill. Our chefs are working 24/7 and are ready to accept visitors and offer them fresh and cold beer at any time of the day or night. In our racks you will find a vast selection of ales and lagers from the four corners of the globe. Our friendly staff will help you find that ideal taste. Let us awaken your appetite! We hope you enjoy your evening with us.

our traditional recipe

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